Trademark Recordals
Trademark records need to be updated in situations where the trademark owner transfers their ownership, changes the name or address of their business or licenses their trademark. Incomplete, incorrect or missing registrations can result in the loss of legal protections for a trademark.
You can entrust your recordals to us, and we will ensure that they are recorded in their entirety and in a timely manner.
For further information on costs and documents required, please email
Requirements for the Recordal of Assignment
The Indonesian Trademark Office has already implemented an e-filing system.
The following documents can be simply signed (neither legalization nor notarization required), scanned and emailed to
A signed Power of Attorney
A signed Declaration
A signed, notarized Deed of Assignment
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Requirements for the Recordal of Merger
The following documents can be simply signed (neither legalization nor notarization required), scanned and emailed to
A Power of Attorney signed by the merged company (neither legalization nor notarization required).
A Declaration signed by the Merged Company (neither legalization nor notarization required).
A notarized Deed of Merger, signed by both the Initial Company and the Merged Company (no legalization required)
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Requirements for the Recordal of Change in Name and/or Address
The following documents can be simply signed (neither legalization nor notarization required), scanned and emailed to
A signed Power of Attorney
The letter issued by Chamber of Commerce or Notary Public confirming the change of name and address along with its English translation if the document is not in English
A signed Declaration confirming the change of address
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Requirements for the Recordal of License Agreement
The following documents can be simply signed (neither legalization nor notarization required), scanned and emailed to
A signed Power of Attorney
A signed Declaration
A notarized License Agreement, signed by the Licensor and the Licensee (no legalization required)
ID Card of the signatory of the Licensee
Deed of Legal Entity of the Licensee
Phone number of the Licensee
Email address of the Licensee
Period of the License Agreement (Start date and End date)
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